Differences Between Comprehensive Eye Exams and Contact Lens Exams

The eyes comprise complex and sensitive structures with unique functions. The muscles and tissue membranes, for example, are vital to maintaining healthy vision. Eye exams allow doctors to examine the outer and inner eyes and check for signs of damage or disease. They conduct various tests to determine if the patient requires vision correction or other forms of treatment.  


Comprehensive Eye Exams


Comprehensive eye exams help evaluate the patient’s visual acuity and eye health. They are in-depth tests that detect signs of eye diseases and vision conditions. Eye specialists recommend that every individual get regular exams, whether or not they need vision correction. Schedule the first comprehensive exam before your child turns one. The exams continue throughout the individual’s life. The frequency depends on factors such as age and eye health.


Contact Lens Exams


A contact lens exam is specifically designed for contact lens wearers. You will need the exam if you opt for contact lenses to improve your vision. The exam checks visual acuity and includes several tests to ensure an accurate fit. 


The eye doctor will measure the pupil and cornea and conduct other tests to check tear composition. The tests can determine if you have adequate tear film to support comfortable contact lens wear.


During a Comprehensive Exam


When you schedule a comprehensive eye exam, the doctor will check your visual acuity, peripheral vision, and depth perception. You will also go through an eye pressure test to check for glaucoma. 


The exam will include dilated eye testing to check the back of the eyes. Dilation allows the doctor to check the macular, retina, and optic nerves. It can detect signs of diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and other eye diseases. If the exam detects symptoms of a particular disease, the doctor will create a treatment plan. 


During a Contact Lens Exam 


During the initial evaluation, the doctor will conduct a visual acuity test. Other tests are vision correcting tests to determine your prescription, evaluation of the cornea, and cornea measurements. 


The tests help determine the size and type of contact lenses you need. You will receive trial contact lenses to reassess your vision. If it is your first time wearing contacts, the specialist will instruct you on proper lens wear and care. During the second appointment, you will receive your new contact lenses.


Difference Between Eye Exams 


Every individual needs a comprehensive eye exam, but contact lens exams are only for those who wish to wear contacts. The doctor will measure visual acuity in both exams, but a comprehensive exam will also check for eye health issues.


A contact lens exam is more limited in scope and can be conducted after a comprehensive exam. A comprehensive exam will determine if you are a good candidate for contact lenses. Eye exams are vital for ensuring your eyes are healthy. 


The results of an exam will determine if you require additional testing. An evaluation of the inner and outer eye tissue can help protect your ocular health. If you have been wearing contact lenses for years, you must schedule regular comprehensive eye exams to monitor your ocular health. 


For more on comprehensive eye exams and contact lens exams, call Indigo Vision Center at (843) 546-2244 for our office in Georgetown, South Carolina.